When faced with a particular crisis, leaders may be forced to act or react in uncomfortable or unfamiliar ways. Crisis demands of leaders more than what they have prepared for, and gives experience far beyond what they could imagine. While functioning in unfamiliar territory, effective leaders should remain calm and project a certain amount of competency. The tone of the leader often directly affects the mood of those they are leading. Consider some of the following avenues to be aware of while working through a crisis.


Communication is the bedrock of success. It’s essential during a crisis that appropriate communication channels are used. Being transparent is vital, especially during an emergency. Once crucial information is gathered, it needs to be disseminated to the entire organization by all means possible. Information can lower the chances of people giving in to panic or fear. It also reduces the emotional distress that comes along with encountering the unknown. Communicating the information quickly and conclusively demonstrates to the employees that leaders are involved and aware. 

Explain The Process

During a crisis, time is substantially compressed. You don’t have the leisure or time to explain and discuss as you usually may. The initial moments of the crisis are critical, and you may have to act without a full grasp of the situation. If you are in charge, take charge. Ensure you’re communicating to the people you’re leading what your process looks like and how you are working on it. It’s important to remember that everyone is viewing what’s happening through a unique lens. For example, a hospital nurse will know the minute a hospital is getting overloaded by what they see. In contrast, an administrator may only know if the generator stops working. Try to meet the people you’re leading where they’re at.

Finally, and possibly the most critical aspect is you. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself and processing your emotions as time is passing. You can’t do much for people when you’re running on empty. Being a leader is a very hard and often a thankless job. Be kind to yourself throughout the whole process.